
Masterclass | Hair Replacement

Masterclass: hair replacement Masterclass: hair replacement

Masterclass | Hair Replacement
In-Person Certification

Participate in our three-day, hands-on certification program to acquire the skills necessary to grow your business and gain a competitive edge. This program presents a valuable opportunity for you to enhance your knowledge base and advance your career prospects.

What are some of the benefits from learning non-surgical hair replacement through Jon Renau?

  • Expand your existing services
  • Provide more customized solutions
  • Distinguish yourself as an elevated professional
  • Increase your revenue stream

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Join the Jon Renau Team for Hands-On Training.

Class NameLocationDates
Masterclass | Hair Replacement Jon Renau HQ - Carlsbad, CA September 22-24, 2024

Masterclass | Hair Replacement Curriculum

  • How to Have a Successful Consultation
  • Utilizing the Jon Renau Consultation Card
  • Creating Custom Molds + Templates
  • Long Hair, Short Hair, and On Scalp Bonding
  • Cut-in Styles and Techniques on Our Hair Systems
  • How to Improve Your Online Presence + Increase
    Brand Awareness
  • Client Retention + Buisness Growth Techniques
  • Marketing, Social Media and Email Marketing Strategies
  • Interactive Demos + Multiple Break Out Group Opportunities


Get Started today!

Contact your Account Manager or email us at