Hair Facts: Did you know??
Posted by JR on Nov 13th 2019
Did you know???
-All of the hair follicles you'll ever have were formed when you were a fetus at 5 months
-The average human sheds about 50-150 strands of hair a day
-A hair follicle will replace a new strand of hair about 20 times in a lifetime
-A single healthy strand is stronger than a copper wire of equivalent diameter
-The only part of the hair that is not dead is within the scalp
-Hair is composed of the following elements: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulphur
-Each hair strand has its own muscle, nerve, and blood supply
-Hair remains in the anagen phase (growing phase) anywhere from 2-6 years
-The determining factor of the amount of time hair spends in the anagen phase is genetically predisposed
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