
Hair Loss Awareness Month – Heidi

Aug 28th 2023

Hair Loss Awareness Month x Education Ambassadors

Hair Loss Awareness Month is in full motion, and we want to shed light on a topic that affects many but is openly discussed by few. In this special Hair Loss Awareness Month series, we're spotlighting our Education Ambassadors, all who’ve experienced hair loss in one form or another. Join us as we delve into the struggles, triumphs, learnings, and everything in between when it comes to hair loss.

First, we met Pia, who found solace in connecting with the hair loss community online. Then we met Heather, who re-discovered a sense of confidence when she reframed her perceptions around alternative hair. Now, let’s meet Heidi, who's life was changed forever after she discovered hair toppers.

“When I started my hair loss journey, I wish that I had some insight to know that alternative hair would change me forever and actually make me feel MORE confident in my own skin.”

1. Tell us a bit about yourself…

My name is Heidi and I am a mom of 3 (daughters) and a Florida native. I am a former Pediatric Nurse and now I sell real estate in beautiful Flagler Beach! I enjoy taking amateur photography, trips to Disney World and can be found hopping around to all of the local coffee shops.

I have always had thin hair throughout my life, but once I hit my 30s and started having children, I experienced significant hair loss. That lead me to this awesome community of women who wear alternative hair!

2. How long have you been wearing wigs or hairpieces?

"I have been wearing alternative hair for a larger portion of my life. But it was 2021 when I had lost so much hair that I could no longer hide the tracks on hair extensions. This is when I discovered hair toppers and it changed my life! "

3. When you started your hair loss journey, what do you wish you knew?

When I started my hair loss journey, I wish I knew how many women were in the same boat as me. I wish that I had some insight to know that alternative hair would change me forever and actually make me feel MORE confident in my own skin.

4. What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself throughout your hair loss journey?

Through my hair loss journey, I’ve learned how important hair is to a person and how it really is part of our identity. Which is why hair loss is so emotionally painful! I’ve learned that it is not something that I can control, and I should not be ashamed of it (or the lack thereof).

5. What advice would you give to a new alternative hair wearer?

"If you are new to alternative hair wearing, I think it is crucial to know the importance of being properly fitted for a hair piece. It makes all the difference! And also understand that it will take time and practice. "

6. Which Jon Renau style is your favorite?

My JR favorite is the easiPart topper (for MANY reasons), but mostly because this was the first topper that I ever purchased, and it opened my eyes to how amazing alternative hair is. It is also my favorite because it is super lightweight and easy to wear.

Heidi is wearing one of her favorite Jon Renau human hair toppers, easiPart Medium 12” in color 24BT18S8 Shaded Mocha .

Looking for support beyond Hair Loss Awareness Month? Follow Heidi’s journey on social media at @guttermangirls.